Raccoon feces looks like any other feces of a large wild animal like a skunk or fox. However, hidden behind the simple and unassuming exterior is a danger that can kill. A raccoon roundworm is a parasitic bowel worm that lives in the guts of raccoons. It cannot harm the raccoon in any way, which is a medical mystery at this point but any animal that consumes even accidentally a small number of raccoon feces is going to suffer from an incurable parasite either for their life or till they die from the illness. There is no cure, there are things that can be done to help the patient feel better like removing worms from the eyes and using powerful anti-bacterial medication but it will not take long for the patient to succumb to mental illness, fall into a coma and die of brain death. This Is full preventable and even if you have some, easily treated and removed. You can try doing it yourself but the cost will actually end up being more, including the time you spend doing it, than a professional coming and getting rid of it in less than one hour. So if you have raccoon feces on your property you will definitely want to get it removed professionally.

Now wild animals will wander your property. They are there to do all the things humans do. To find food, to go to the bathroom and drink water. If they find great amounts of what they need on your property. Easy access to food in your accessible garbage left outside and the water from your bird feeder in the backyard. They will defecate on fences and shed rooves and will destroy your property. When the mating season rolls around the raccoons on your property will want to find a den to mate. They will often choose your property as it provides them with everything they need to raise their young. They may break into your attic or get under your deck or shed. Either way, the damage they can cause is incredible and the length of time they can stay in their den after being humanely evicted can be a very long time. Especially if they have food stored in them. If you need to get raccoons off your property don’t call a trapper or a snaring company. They can’t do anything about it. Seal up your garbage and remove all food sources and water sources on your property and when they come wandering they will find nothing and leave.