Raccoon litres vary from birth to birth. Like humans who are prone to twins and triplets the raccoon can have anywhere from one baby to as many as seven. This is not something that happens all the time. Most raccoons have specifically four or five young and this can be seen if you ever get a raccoon in your attic during the baby season then you will find out from the tech who goes into the attic with a thermal camera. Four or fine every time. So don’t panic. These babies are blind and immobile for the first six to eight weeks of their life and are cared for until they are at least one year old before they can go off on their own. They cannot move around and they do not defecate or urinate much. The real danger is the mother. She will drag long-dead animals and garbage from your and your neighbour’s bins and spread it around your attic. She will defecate and urinate not only in your attic but on the road on your neighbour’s property while they search for food. This is why animals come to your property in the first place. A female raccoon is an expectant mother and will need to pick very carefully where she wants to live. Where are the best schools, where is safe, where can I leave my door unlocked and my garbage out and open all night? This is the mistake most people make. They think a safe neighbourhood means safety from wild animals. They cook with their barbeque and then they fail to clean it after. Do that and you will open it one morning to find a sleeping raccoon.

The key to not having to ask how many babies a raccoon can have is to take care of your property in the same way a raccoon female hunts for a home. Nothing can be left on the property. Nothing can be present. Access to food and water is a standing and open invitation to all wildlife and rodents in the area. Clear your lawn with a rake. You will be inspecting your property with a fine-tooth comb. Get everything your pets or children left or better. Outdoor barbecue. Have the back door open, be careful with mice, as their most common entranceway is a back door, and let people get their food, go inside and eat with the breeze of the night and the warmth of the house so they don’t have to wear a jacket if it’s cold. Then clean your barbecue like it’s a nuclear reactor. Once that is done and your garbage is locked and stored away. Then you can go to sleep and I can assure you, you will not be woken up in the night. Except for by your cat, dog, children, grandchildren, husband-wife or what have you.