Dead Animal and Feces on a Shed Roof in Pickering

Dead Animal and Feces on a Shed Roof in Pickering

The initial call to the property was for the removal Of a dead raccoon on the property who had managed to fit its head through a very thin gap in a fence, becoming stuck and dying in that position. While on-site the technician also found feces on the shed roof which the customer agreed to have removed. The danger of raccoon feces is that it is highly toxic. Just breathing it in when the feces has dried sightly can lead to the inhalation of a spore called raccoon round work. This is not bacteria, it is a parasite that will grow in your lungs and travel through your bloodstream to your brain. When there it will start to consume your brain tissue. The symptoms are similar to Alzheimer’s and are incurable. This is why hiring a professional is so important.

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Exterior Inspection 

The exterior inspection found raccoon feces both behind the shed and on the shed roof. The dead animal was found partway between the fence having tried to leave the property. The feces both at the side of the shed by the fence and on the roof needs to be removed for the health and safety of the customer and their family.

raccoon feces in Pickering
Raccoon feces in a difficult-to-access area by the side of the home. Raccoon feces is highly dangerous and can get you very sick especially if it is dry.
raccoon feces on shed
Raccoons often elevate themselves off the ground to defecate, the reason for this is unknown but can be frustrating.
dead raccoon on site in Pickering
The technician on site found a dead raccoon that had tried to pass through a very narrow area between two fences. It got caught and died likely of suffocation.

Initial Measures

The initial measures taken by the technician included removing the dead animal from between the fence and then sterilizing and deodorizing the area so the customer will not smell the dead animal’s presence when the animal has been removed. The technician then began removing the feces from the side of the shed and the roof of it. The tech places the feces into the bag and removes them from the property to be disposed of at a special site. To kill off the roundworm spores the technician must then spray the area with a hospital-grade botanical sterilizer that is safe for humans and animals as well as plants. The technician will then deodorize the area. The deodorizer is intended to make the area smell neutral but in some cases, it can have the effect of erasing the raccoon’s mark on the area. Latrines occur repeatedly because the raccoon knows its smell. By taking this smell away the raccoon may not return to the site.

feces on the ground cleaned and sterilized
The feces on the ground was cleaned and sterilized making the area safe for human health.
animal trapped between fence
The animal had trapped itself between the fence and needed to be removed. Removal was difficult but successful. Situations like this can cause removal to be more expensive, however.
feces on shed cleaned and sterilized
The feces on the shed roof was cleaned and sterilized but the mark left by the feces could not be cleaned away.


In conclusion, the process was highly effective in riding the customer of both the dead animal trapped in her fence as well as the danger of the raccoon feces. The area is sterilized and deodorized and no raccoons have returned since.